Welcome to my new website!
If you are here, most likely you are not here for the first time. And - let's be honest - either you know me personally, or you stalk me. No, there is no way you clicked on this article because you are interested in what a random person from the internet writes. Not correct. Can't happen.
My website has changed several times in the past and will continue to be updated - just like any other software or game. Regulars know that I like to change designs frequently. Let's maybe discuss what has changed before how and why.
What's new?
Starting off - the index has been changed. There is now a big banner with a quick about-me section, a featured project and links to all of my socials. Kinda like it used to be, huh?
You remember that below those three fancy boxes on the old version of this site, there was a blog. Few blog posts, short and without any reason to exist. They are now gone. I started to feel that those short-form posts, usually just a couple of sentences put together without any rule weren't that good. From now on, I'd like to see my posts more like essays rather than short thoughts.
I limited my website to only a few parts - Blog (that you're reading at the moment) and Contact (if you'd ever want to get in touch with me). More to come soon!
And finally, I optimized the website for Firefox. The most compatible web browser of all time, as confirms my own experience with it.
The beauty of plain HTML
Yup, you've heard that right - this website (as did older versions of it) is built entirely on the good ol' technology of Hypertext Markup Language. Only .html and .css files. And one .js script file.
There are a few reasons why I made this site like that. Firstly, I am hosting this on GitHub Pages, which only allows for hosting static websites. Of course, I could set up a server myself, or buy a cloud one and host the site here, but I think it is more reasonable to stick to the cheaper (free) version if it has almost all the benefits of the more expensive version.
Secondly, it is nice to note that I just know how to make sites in plain HTML with stylesheets. This is a simple site, so handling it the modern way is unnecessary.
Still, why make a site?
Let's be honest - there aren't as many personal websites as there were 10+ years ago. In the age of social media, most weblogs are dead. Undoubtedly, they still exist. But the chance of someone entering the site and viewing the content is at least very unlikely.
This is because of - you guessed it - social media!
Want to share your photos? Instagram is here for you. Videos? YouTube, of course. Want to share your thoughts? Twitter exists. Portfolio? You've got LinkedIn. See?
I most likely would leave this site empty, but I got inspired by this guy who made a YouTube video talking about the mentioned problem. He also talked about how the Internet used to be different back then (of course, the change of the Internet is not a problem, rather it's centralization towards mass media sites).
On your website, you are completely independent. You can post anything. Nobody is going to ban you because of your opinion. And most importantly, you can design it how you like.

Finally, the most interesting thing about personal sites is that they can be sometimes full of content, that you can enjoy sometimes in hours. And if don't have a site yet, consider making one on your own, just like I did. Believe me, it is very very satisfiying to see people of the Web reading it.